Sunday, April 9, 2017


Today we recorded the voiceover. It was a lot harder than we thought for multiple reasons. One reason was that timing it was very hard because if we needed to talk for 4 seconds then we had to talk for 4 second, no more, no less, or it wouldn't work. We had to rewrite and rewrite the script over and over again to make sure that it worked.

Aside from that problem we also had a problem with the voiceover and the music in the background because if the music was too loud then we couldn't hear the voiceover and if the voiceover was too loud it sounded weird and you couldn't hear the music! We did fix this problem with a feature on iMovie called audio enhancer and it worked great. 

Our last issue with the voiceover was the background noise. We then went back to the video I talked about in an earlier post and followed some of their tips. We put up large heavy black sheets in Camila's room and shut every door in the house and our voiceover came out great. There was so little background noise and with the enhancer it was really good.

Also a little update, we finally picked our music for all of our scenes. We used both purpleplanetmusic and we also used Both are websites that have free music that u can use on your projects and videos. We chose a more upbeat sound for our opening and office scene and then transferred into the darker more mysterious sound for our introduce the character scene at the park. 

"P U R P L E  p L a N E T." Purple Planet Royalty Free Music. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2017.

"ROYALTY FREE MUSIC by BENSOUND." Bensound. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2017.

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